Common Issues

Flea Market Issue

Follow these steps to correct the issue:

  1. Stop the AKI Server.

  2. Navigate to the coopConfig.json file located in SIT\Server\user\mods\SITCoop\config\.

  3. Modify the messageWSUrlOverride field to include your local IP with the port :6969 appended at the end (e.g., 192.168.X.X:6969).

    • You can get your Local IP by opening cmd and typing ipconfig

  4. Change useMessageWSUrlOverride to true. Ensure the value true is in lowercase.

  5. Save the changes to the coopConfig.json file.

  6. Reboot the server and verify that it is functioning correctly.


If you’re running the AKI Server on Docker or a Virtual Private Server (VPS), you’ll need to set the messageWSUrlOverride to your VPS’s external IP address.

If you’re using Docker, follow these commands to update your IP configuration:

  1. Stop the SITCoop container using docker stop sitcoop

  2. Retrieve your external IP address using curl -4

  3. Edit the coopConfig.json file, using the command nano server/user/mods/SITCoop/config/coopConfig.json

    Update the file with the following configuration, replacing messageWSUrlOverride with the IP you got from Step 2, and set useMessageWSUrlOverride to TRUE

        "webSocketPort": 6970,
        "natHelperPort": 6971,
        "useUPNP": false,
        "useMessageWSUrlOverride": true, <--- SET THIS TO TRUE
        "messageWSUrlOverride": "IP:6969"
  4. Start the SITCoop container using docker start sitcoop

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue with the flea market not displaying new offers or trades in your AKI Server environment.

I’m getting an ERROR: listen EADDRNOTAVAIL: address not avalible error.


This happens because there is already a process running that is taking up the target port, and multiple apps can’t access the same port below is a quick command line method to find what is currently holding the port and close it

  1. Press Win + R and enter “cmd”

  2. Press CTRL + Shift + Enter to open cmd as an admin, click “Yes” to allow

  3. Type netstat -ano | findstr : 6969

  4. There should be a set of numbers at the end of the process, like 17720

  5. Type taskkill /PID (NUMBER) /F, replace (NUMBER) with the number you got from above and hit enter

  6. Try booting your server again

Infinite loading screen


If you are getting an infinite loading screen, this is usually caused by mods that aren’t compatible with the current version of Stay In Tarkov, try remvoing all your mods and launching the game and server again.

SIT Manager “A task was cancelled”


This is most often caused by a firewall issue, however it can also be caused by an incorrect IP address

Make sure you have entered the hosts IPv4 address correctly, and if using a VPN that there isn’t any connection issues between you and the host.

Aki.Server.exe Has Deleted itself


For some reason windows defender is dectecting the Aki server as malware, this is a false postive, Aki have requested it not be flagged as malware, however this process can take more than a month to resolve, so in the meantime, add the server directory as an exeption to Windows Defender, like below:

(You will read Click 9 times, and you WILL enjoy it)

  1. Open windows settings

  2. Click “Update and Security”

  3. Click “Windows Security”

  4. Click “Open Windows Security”

  5. Click “Virus and Threat Protection”

  6. Under “Virus & Threat protection settings” click “Manage Settings”

  7. Scroll down to “Exclusions” and click “Add or Remove exclusions”

  8. Click “Add an Exclusion” and click “Folder”

  9. Navigate to your SIT\Server and click “Select Folder”

Firewall Exclusion

I’m getting “Illegal Game Found”


In order to fix this issue you MUST follow every install step, properly, without skipping anything. I mean it, ANYTHING.

If you are still getting the error, go here.