

So, you’ve made it here, IF you have followed the installation steps, this should be the last part you need to read before you can play.


Once your host has followed all the set-up steps, the server should be ready for you to join, in order to join then the host will need to give you their public IP, or if you are using a VPN, you’ll need to be in their network and they need to give you their VPN’s IPv4. Once you have that follow the below steps to connect:



The password should not be something you use for any accounts, this is stored on the hosts machine and your machine in plain text, so please use a simple password you will only use for Stay In Tarkov


Once again, DO NOT USE YOUR LIVE PASSWORD or I will personally raid your Pantry

  1. Open the SIT.Manager

  2. In the Address box, put the hosts IP in like this http://XXX.XXX.XX.XXX:6969

  3. Give yourself a Username, can be whatever you want


  5. Tick Remeber me if you don’t want to type all that in every time

  6. Press “Connect”, this should now ask you if you want to make a new account if this is your first time joining, click “Yes”

  7. It will now ask what Edition of Tarkov you want, select one and press “Create”

  8. If all the steps have been followed correctly by both you and the host, congrats, you should now be able to play Stay In Tarkov

Joining Server


  1. Open the SIT.Manager

  2. Go to the “Server” tab

  3. Click “Start Server” and wait for the “Server started!” message, once you see that the server is up and running

  4. Go back to the “Play” tab now, for Address, if you are hosting the server on the same PC you will be playing on, you can enter

  5. Pick a Username for yourself

  6. Set-up a password DO NOT USE ANY PASSWORD YOU NORMALLY USE. Refer to this warning

  7. Tick Remeber me if you don’t want to type all that in every time

  8. Press “Connect”, this should now ask you if you want to make a new account if this is your first time joining, click “Yes”

  9. It will now ask what Edition of Tarkov you want, select one and press “Create”

  10. If all the steps have been followed correctly by both you and the client, congrats, you should now be able to play Stay In Tarkov.

    • If you are the host, I assume you have the most powerful PC, make sure you are also Hosting the Raid as well, see In Game

Launching and Connecting

In Game


Once you are in game, and have set up your character, you may be wondering how to start a raid. Well, thanks for reading this far. This will contain a very brief outline of starting a raid, for more info on specific parts, see the relevant Docs page for more details.

  1. First pick the Raid map you want to do, when you pick one, it will ask for the time slot, the times can sometimes desync between clients so make sure you pick the same slot number, eg. Slot 1 or 2

  2. If you wanted to play Solo you can click “Play Singleplayer” (Obvs). Otherwise, the player that presses “Host Raid” should be the one with the best PC and Network

  3. Pick how many players you want, make sure this matches how many people will join, this INCLUDES you, the game will not start until everyone has joined

  4. Don’t worry about password unless you are playing on a larger server hosted publically

  5. Pick how many bots, and how difficult you want them, and decide if you want the chance for Bosses to spawn

  6. For protocal select either Relay or Peer-To-Peer, if you would like to see the differences see FAQ

  7. Hit start, your clients should now be able to see it in the server browser, if they picked the same map and time slot

  8. Once everyone has joined, the Raid should now start, have fun, and remeber, nothing is more Friendly than Friendly Fire